Delivery times may vary significantly from order to order, depending on the type of components ordered, the quantity, the availability of the product in our warehouses and the production and delivery times of our suppliers.
Orders paid for by credit cards are normally processed within 5 working days from the date of entry , while for payments by bank transfer it is necessary to add the technical credit times of the banking institutions, i.e. 2-3 working days more.
As soon as the availability of the ordered products has been verified, we take care to communicate, via e-mail, the expected delivery term for order fulfillment.
To find out the progress of your orders, however, our Customer Service is active at no. tel. 0524/85073.
We point out that the order fulfillment takes place only when the order is complete, therefore with a single shipment. We do not carry out partial deliveries (i.e. multiple shipments for a single order), unless expressly requested by the Customer, who will be charged for the related additional transport costs.